On a recent trip I had a scrumptious breakfast at this great little sidewalk cafe and bakery in Albuquerque, NM. Thanks to my traveling partner Christy Sallee who had once been stranded in ABQ (sorry it is too hard for me to spell out ever time and I usually operate in airport codes better anyway) for the better part of a day waiting on the Rail Runner (their train system) she had time to scope out the great places that were open and lucky for me she suggested we hit the Gold Street Caffe appropriately on Gold Street in downtown ABQ. We were able to sit on the sidewalk on this quiet street and peruse the breakfast menu where everything sounded like a tasty slice of the southwest.

We had a couple of other interesting meals in New Mexico...
Ore House on the Plaza - Santa Fe, NM - Cool cantina feel with an entertaining bartender. Sit at the bar and order the guacamole and spicy beef burrito top it off with a nice margartia or Corona to cool you off. http://www.orehouseontheplaza.com/
Route 66 Diner - ABQ, NM - Very nostalgic with neat memorabilia and oldie but goodie tunes. Good burgers and excellent Cherry Cokes and Cherry Sprites, but go there for the environment...not the food. http://www.66diner.com/
Gold Street Caffe - http://www.999dine.com/nm/goldstreetcaffe/
Traveling Cowgirl Code:
When going to a new place take someone with you who has been there before or ask friends who have been to the area for suggestions, sometimes the best places are off the beaten path or won't be the recommendation you get from the hotel desk attendant.
Sounds wonderful. Great story.