So excited this is my first post and first cupcake post of the new year and it happens to include one of my favorite naughty treats, OREOS! So some of you may remember that I once upon a time did a cupcake recipe with OREOS but this is an updated, much easier cupcake recipe that you can make with little ones! Now I don't have little ones around, but fortunately know many people who have little ones so I borrowed a little one who was the inspiration for the cupcake.
SiDeStOrY: So one of my wonderful nephews, Grant Andrew Petersen, told his mom and dad that his new year's rectsomudon (resolution for those of you who don't speak 2.5 year old) was to eat more cupcakes. So Auntie to the rescue! I asked his mom before I went up there what is his favorite flavor and she said OREO? so the simple, child-friendly recipe was created!
Now if you have little ones helping you, you know their limits...since I don't regularly bake with little ones I had to improvise but there are things you can do to include them during the process.
OREO Cupcakes ala Grant
1 boxed chocolate cake mix (I used Duncan Heinz Super Moist)
Ingredients needed to make said cake mix (mine needed oil, water and eggs)
1 can of cream cheese frosting (I used the whipped kind)
1 package of OREOS (Double-stuffed are the best but regular are fine as well)
2 glasses of milk
Dump cake mix into the bowl. [you, scissors are not good for 2.5 year olds, I think]. Measure out oil and water in a measuring cup [you], have your little helper pour the liquid into the bowl. Crack eggs in same measuring cup [you, no one wants a shell crunchy cupcake], have your helper pour the eggs into the bowl. Combine with a mixer or a whisk.
While your mixing the batter, have your helper put the cupcake paper liners in the cupcake tins.
Open your OREOS and each eat one to ensure they are 'safe' for consumption. Rinse your mouths with milk. Repeat if necessary. 

Have you done the Oreo truffles? Super easy. Package of Oreos and a block of cream cheese. Blend together in a food processor (or by hand, but food processor is way easier). Form into balls and dip in melted chocolate or almond bark. So yummy!