Monday, July 2, 2012

Scotland – Eat Here

I recently went to Scotland and England on a work trip that also fortunately had a little bit of a leisure packed in…well by leisure I mean not all work activities and by not all work activities I mean we were out and about, but technically I was still working. Now those that know me well know I am not a fan of the United Kingdom style of cooking. For example I had Thai and Italian food both while I was there…but I also had some pretty neat pub food as well. Here is information on where we ate in Scotland, England will come in a later post.

Our first stop was Strathmore Arms in Glamis. The significance of Glamis is this is where the Queen Mother (Queen Elizabeth’s mother) was born and raised in a beautiful castle that was closed for some of the Queen’s Jubilee Celebration. So in honor of all the festivities that happened the week before we arrived I ordered the Queen’s Coronation Chicken. It was a nice curry chicken salad that was on white bread served with cucumber slices and tortilla chips. 
Sorry for the dark picture of the chicken flash was doing funny things!

Our next place to stop was in Dundee where we stayed at the Apex Hotel which is along the pier. I had a beautiful view of the pier and water from my room and since they do not have AC and it is proper to open your windows I was able to enjoy some fresh air which was welcomed after being on a plane for 7 hours on the way over there. Because we were a little worn out from the travel we decided to eat at the hotel which was amazing. I started with a Bulmer’s Cider which I was introduced to by a distributor of ours when I was in Ireland, this time I tried the Pear version and loved it even more than the apple. It was light and refreshing and easy to drink. My meal started with a tomato and mozzarella salad, a nice piece of fish (my theory is if you can see the water it is usually fresh) and some strawberries and cream for dessert. It was also one of our guest’s birthday so the evening finished with a glass of champagne!

The rest of our trip in Scotland was pretty quick, we had breakfast at the hotel and grabbed a sandwich and a bag of crisps (chips as we call them) at a gas station. My sandwich was pretty simple, ham and cheese but they did have a prawn (shrimp) salad sandwich…just couldn’t make myself try it, especially from a gas station!
Sidenote: I made my collages with the Frametastic app on my I-Phone, it is great when I upload things to Instagram. If you are not, you should follow me on Instagram...travelingcowgirl is my user name.

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