Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Baseball Baby Shower

Last weekend a dear friend, Stephanie Johnson and I threw a baby shower for our mutual friend Angie Tower at her mother-in-law, Carol Tower's beautiful home. This was a very exciting shower for us since we knew that Angie and her husband Jason were going to have a baby boy and that they both enjoy baseball so it was a perfect theme for the shower. We asked the mother-to-be what she wanted and she has been craving ice cream so we decided on an ice cream sundae bar. Check out my baby shower specific Pinterest board for our inspirations. From there I like to make collage of all the things that I want to do with the party...I usually go overboard here and have to pair it down, so what you see here is my revised collage.

First of all, we used TinyPrints for the baby shower invites. Their site is really easy to navigate and quick to get the invitations, they even will mail them for you if you upload a mailing list. We didn't do that though because we wanted to have everyone bring a book instead of a card to help build a library for baby Cameron which is an idea that came off of Pinterest.

We decided on a variety of toppings for the sundae bar, but especially sprinkles because that is what Angie requested.

We had Oreos, strawberries, chopped peanuts, cherries, blueberries, sprinkles, chopped Heath bars, baby blue M&M's and caramel and hot fudge sauce.

In addition to the sundae bar, we made cake balls using my Baby Cakes cake pop maker and dipping them in melting chocolates and using red gel Wilton icing from a tube to draw on the 'threads' of the baseball.

And we had Stephanie Hotsenpiller with Sweet J's Cake Decorating make us sugar cookies in the shape and design of baseball jerseys which were amazing and VERY reasonable in price. Stephanie is located in Drexel, MO and does all sorts of cakes, cookies, etc. I encourage everyone to check her out at her Facebook page.

The decorations were all ideas from Pinterest as well, but we were fortunate that Carol has such a beautiful house and we didn't require much. Mrs. Johnson made an awesome banner using papers that were baseball or red and blue themed to hang along the island and mantel. She also came up with questions to ask Angie about motherhood that she had blown up into balloons which we stuffed in presents and as she came to a present she had to pop the balloon, read the question and answer it or complete the task on the piece of paper in the balloon. Carol also has a ceramic dog on her front step that typically is decorated in Buffalo Bills attire, but after her husband left she decked porch dog out in baby attire and he was perfect and set the tone for the whole shower.

We had so much fun and now can't wait for the arrival of baby Cameron in early June!

The whole crew!

1 comment:

  1. You chose really a perfect theme for planning this baby shower dear and I am very happy that you also shared your planning ideas here with us as well. Now, I also need help for hiring best event space for the party, can you help me with that as well!
