Tuesday, January 31, 2012

29 days to a healthier me - DAY 29

Well I've survived 29 days of working on a healthier me. I have done really good only truly cheating one day when I had a cheeseburger and fries at a tradeshow beccause my options were really limited and I had ice cream twice. Portion control has been key and I'm noticing my stomach not needing as much to be full.

I have worked out more in the past 29 days then I did in the previous 60. It is nice to have Pinterest (I'm sure you all are sick of seeing that word) to be able to collect work outs that I can easily do in my room at a hotel, at the guy's place or at home giving myself no excuse not to work out but it has also been very helpful to have my IPad to keep me occupied and prevent boredom.

I have lost weight, but I will be checking my body fat when I am back at the gym in KC and give a full report. This isn't the end of my healthy eating and working out, this was a lifestyle change that I am keeping up with. Cool part is that I have friends that want to run a 5K as part of our next girls trip so I think in March I'm going to start working on the couch to 5K, February is just too crazy with my travel to keep up.

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