Monday, January 9, 2012

29 days to a healthier me - DAY 7

One week in and I am excited about this lunch option great for anyone looking for something fresh. I made this the week between Christmas and New Years and paired it with a soup I had in the freezer for dinner one night when I was probably playing on Pinterest instead of doing my laundry and cleaning my house...but who is going to tell on me?

Try this sometime this'll be happy you did. When I made this I didn't add the hot sauce because I'm not a fan of super spicy foods. I also only made one half a pita and ate the rest of it out of the bowl like a salad with a spoon. It wasn't my idea, but it was a good one, especially if you are watching carbs and I'm going to use it.

Spiced Avocado Sandwich

All the goodies chopped with the orange juice. I think you could use lemon juice if you don't have an orange close by...isn't this so pretty for a winter sandwich?

Hungry pita goodness. This whole wheat pita has 110 calories and no fat.

So last week I mentioned I was going to start doing a cycle in the mornings to boost my metabolism, honestly if I didn't have to put on a sports bra to do it I would have done it every day but the thought of doing that when I first wake up just makes me more tired. Well that happened for two whole days and both of those days I felt awesome, so I am setting a goal to complete them all 5 days this week. The cycle again is 50 jumping jacks 5 pushups 20 sit ups 20 mountain climbers 30 second plank 7 burbees and you are supposed to repeat it 2 times. Honestly it only took me like 7 minutes to complete with a couple minute break in between curcuits so I could get a drink. This week I'm upping the ante and trying to add some intense ab work to it, which I know will significantly increase the time, but good for me. This fun little image I found on Pinterest says to do morning and night to reduce belly fat. I'm going to focus on once a day at first and maybe ease into twice a day if I can master the morning part.

You can find this image on my Pinterest Board. I am doing each exercise 10 times two times through with the exception of the last two, I'm doing a minute plank and skipping the last one since I am partnerless.

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